Furyborn by Claire Legrand

by - 12:00 PM

Title: Furyborn
Author: Claire Legrand
Published: May 22nd, 2018
Pages: 512
Goodreads Rating: 4.11
My Rating: 4.50

Quick synopsis: Rielle exposes herself as one of the most powerful beings that exist; the Sun Queen. To prove to the kingdom that she truly is the Sun Queen, she must go through a series of trials proving her powers.

A thousand years later, Eliana is a bounty hunter for the Empire, killing and stealing, to keep her family alive. One night when she’s out on a job, she returns home to find her mother missing and an intruder in her house. She joins a rebel captain on a dangerous mission and discovers there’s more evil to the empire she serves than she thought.

Rielle and Eliana may be separated by a millennia, but their lives are more intertwined than they know.

Would I recommend?: Abso-freaking-lutely.
Why?: This was one of my most anticipated reads of the season and so I knew I was going to like it, just not THIS much. This book reminds me of a crossover between Game of Thrones and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I especially loved the first half of Furyborn because there was so much development and action that you just could not possibly stop flipping the pages.

For a while, I had no idea how Rielle and Eliana’s lives were going to intersect, especially given that they lived centuries apart. This book kept me on my feet at all times, kept me guessing what would happen next, and got me so emotionally involved.

Many of you know that I’m not usually one for action or fighting, but the trials that Rielle had to go through reminded me so much of Harry Potter, I just could not help but fall in love with those scenes.

The characters were so well developed in this book, mainly because they made me have such hatred and such love for several characters. The author's writing is so good that she gets you so emotionally invested in the story and the character’s lives that it just leaves you wanting more.

The ending was quite anticlimactic for both main characters since nothing really substantial happened. There wasn’t a super gripping cliffhanger that made you desperately beg for the next book in the series or curl up in the fetal position, crying. That being said though, the ending was still good, it just could’ve been better by adding some more shock value to it.

Overall, this was a great book and a really strong start to the series. I’m excited to see what the next two books add to the story of Rielle and Eliana!

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