A Court of Frost and Starlight by Sarah J. Maas

by - 11:00 PM

Title: A Court of Frost and Starlight
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Published: May 1st, 2018
Pages: 229
Goodreads Rating: 4.22
My Rating: 5.00

Quick synopsis: A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOFAS) is a novella set between A Court of Wings and Ruin and the next book in the ACOTAR series. It is set during the winter at the Night Court just before the Winter Solstice. It had been a full year since the war and now you get a glimpse into their world - after everything they have lost, while enjoying everything they still have.

Would I recommend?: YES!
Why?: This was way more than I could've ever hoped for. I loved that there was barely a plot and no conflict whatsoever! BECAUSE quite honestly, all I want is to live in this world and for once we got a glimpse into their everyday, non-overly complicated lives and I absolutely loved it. I know that there were a lot of people who didn’t like this book, and who found it quite dull and pointless. But I think that’s precisely what I loved about it. I liked that nothing happened. I liked that it was just seeing how the fae live day-to-day. That was all I ever wanted. Sometimes all the fighting and conflict can get tiresome, so having a nice fluffy read in the fae world was just what I wanted.

I do wish that we could’ve seen more into Nesta, Elain, and Mor’s life since they’re underdeveloped characters in my opinion. But given this wasn’t a book that would’ve even offered much development, i’m not mad. As long as SJM can deliver that in ACOTAR 4, I’ll be happy.

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