Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Garnall
My Thoughts:
Another flawless book about mental health that was both serious and adorable and ultimately very realistic. All I can say is that I really wish these types of books existed when I was a teenager.
An agoraphobic teenage girl struggles with her day-to-day life until the boy next door moves in. From someone who goes days without speaking to anyone other than her mother, she becomes instantly the center of attention from this boy.
This story follows the realities of living with mental health. It gives the inside look into one’s internal quarrels with oneself and how painful it can be to live inside your own body.
The boy next door falls in love with Norah before he even knows of her mental health. He manages to pull her out of her shell so that she has the chance to grow.
This book is sensitive and sweet in all the right ways and at all the right times. Something that anyone struggling with mental health should read.