The Tower by Nicole Campbell

by - 12:32 PM

Genre: YA Fantasy & Contemporary
Quick Synopsis: Group of teenage witches meet tragedy, while also dealing with love, family, and self-discovery.

Overall Review:

A group of three witches living in the “muggle world”, trying to get through the awkward years of being a teen while also being a witch. But then a tragedy happens, and they have to learn how to deal with grief as well as family, love, and their relationships. It’s a complicated balance that they have to learn at probably the worst time in their lives. It’s not just about witches, and it’s not just about teenagers, it’s a perfect mix of the two. The combination adds so much more to this book. It had so much going on without being overbearing.  The plot was amazing. I didn’t read much of the synopsis before I started this, so I went into it thinking one thing, and was completely upended halfway through.

My only negative would be that there wasn’t enough “witchy” things. I wanted more involvement from their witch culture. I loved this book mainly for the witch portion because that’s what sets this book apart from every other contemporary read. It added a twist that was fun and not done very often. It started off really strong, but then died down (for obvious reasons) but it was also like it wasn’t mentioned at all.  So little that I even forgot they were witches at points.

Overall though, this book was fantastic. It was fun and unique, and definitely a book you should read.

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