Right Behind You by Lisa Gardner

by - 12:00 PM

Genre: Murder Mystery
Quick Synopsis: Two siblings separated after a massive family abuse case, and now the older brother, an accused murderer, is on the loose with every intention of finding his long-lost little sister. 

Overall Review:

I cannot imagine this book being written any better than it was. This is the first time I have read a book by Lisa Gardner but I am certainly impressed.

This book was everything a good thriller should be: Mysterious, disturbing, and not one bit predictable. The reader is constantly left second guessing.

This book reminded me a little of Stephen King and his writing style for Mr. Mercedes actually. Both writers were able to keep things light and at times humorous, while also being incredibly disturbing.

I love the direction this book went with the plot, and I love how this book ended. It wasn’t necessarily a happy ending, but as much of a happy ending as a mystery thriller can afford to have after a mass murder occurs in a small town.

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