Kings Cage by Victoria Aveyard

by - 12:14 PM

What's it about?

"Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her lethal mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven Calore continues weaving his dead mother's web in an attempt to maintain control over his country—and his prisoner."

My Thoughts:

I'm going to start by saying that this was one of my most anticipated books of 2017. And while it was a good book (I gave it 3.5 stars), it did not live up to my (probably too high) expectations. Here's why:

In the previous two books, there was always so much going on that it was nearly impossible to get bored with the book. This one however just did not deliver that. I actually got bored reading this...It's more than likely because each event was dragged out too much, or because Mare had nearly no interaction with any other characters until the very end.

I'm really disappointed that I wasn't blown away by this book. It was great plot and characters as usual, but it just had SO much filler I feel....I don't know. Not to mention the ending was awful...I get Cal's intentions, but if that's actually how he feels and those are his priorities, mare deserves so much more.

Okay. Enough negativity. Now here's what I DID like:


The characters. I bloody love how the author developed each one. I really enjoyed being able to see into Evangeline's mind and see what she was really thinking. She might have been my favorite actually because she's known for being evil, but she is just severely oppressed by every man in her life. And for that, I do not blame her one bit.

As for Mare, she's kickass, yes. But she also bothers me because she's very stubborn and headstrong...She doesn't admit to her own weaknesses and I feel like things would go A LOT SMOOTHER if she just had a bit more humility.

Then there's Cal. I love Cal. But I hate Cal. I think he's confused with what he actually wants in life and that causes his thinking to be faulty. He loves Mare, quite clearly, but he also still loves his family and kingdom, despite all of their flaws. If he could just figure his own shit out, thatd be awesome.

Overall, I have this book a 3.5 was a great book, but like I said, I really wish I liked it more. It was just another book in the series to me, and it had a lot more potential.

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