Title: Comics Will Break Your Heart
Author: Faith Erin Hicks
Published: February 12th, 2019
Pages: 218
Quick synopsis: Miriam's grandfather was the co-creator of smash-hit comics series The TomorrowMen. But he sold his rights to the series to his co-creator in the 1960s for practically nothing, and now that's what Miriam has: practically nothing. Miriam's life gets complicated when a cute boy shows up in town . . . and turns out to be the grandson of the man who defrauded Miriam's grandfather, and heir to the TomorrowMen fortune.
Goodreads Rating: 3.65
My Rating: 2.00
Would I recommend?: No...
Why?: This book had so much potential, it kills me. The writing was okay, but the dialogue was awkward and childish. I found myself cringing a lot when Mir and her friends were interacting as their conversations seemed forced and unrealistic. There was a scene where one of Mir’s guy friends made a lesbian joke (ok, probably realistic with teenage boys, let’s be honest), but then she literally throws up her hands and yells “BOYS!” I mean, I know my teenage years were a couple years ago, but I’m really not THAT far removed from their mentality. A girl would not throw her hands in the air dramatically and yell. She’d turn around, yell at the guy, and then playfully push him because he was being an idiot. There were just too many scenes that were so painfully awkward and unrealistic, it ruined the story for me.
I loved the synopsis of the book, but it was not executed well at all. I was quite disappointed because I was hoping for something majorly nerdy and cute. Instead, we got a book with a very minimal plot, a girl with absolutely no dreams or aspirations, and a guy who is acting out against the world.
I hate to be so critical, but this book was a total miss for me.
Thank you to MacMillan Publishers for providing me with an Advanced Readers Copy of this book.